International Student Program Tuition and Fees
- 2021-2022: $20,600/year
Registration Fee: $400 per student (reduced registration fee for early registration)
Registration fees are due at the time of registration and are non-refundable once the application has
been submitted. If a student is not accepted at MACA, registration fees will be returned.
This fee includes:
- Medical insurance
- Academic support
- Personal technology device
- School fees (retreat fees, athletic fees, field trips, graduation fee, technology fee)**
- Books/Curriculum
- International Program administrative costs
- Tuition
After June 15, once a new student has been accepted or a current student has
re-registered for the following year, students are responsible for the first semester’s tuition unless
they notify the Admissions Office in writing or via email that the student will not be attending
MACA. This notification must be received no later than five business days from the date of the
acceptance for new students or re-registration for current students. Students withdrawing at the
conclusion of the first semester must notify (in writing or via email) the Admissions Office no later
than December 15 to be exempt from paying tuition through the end of the semester. Families are
responsible for the cost of some consumable items such as workbooks.
*Annual tuition rates and fees are subject to change in future years.
** Fees not included in this amount are optional programs: participation in athletic teams, hot lunch
purchases, disciplinary fees, mission trip costs, before/after care, and bus contract fees.