At Mount Airy Christian Academy (MACA), your children will receive a balanced and biblically-based education that will help in their overall development. As a ministry of the Mount Airy Bible Church, we seek to be cutting edge in our academics, athletics, fine arts, and effective use of technology. At Mount Airy Christian Academy, we have an outstanding athletic program which is focused on the development of playing to your very best potential as both an individual and team member with our ultimate goal to bring glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. The fine arts program is growing and remains a vital part of our overall school program.
The iPad program enables high school students to utilize their own iPad both inside and outside of the classroom. We believe that a quality Christian education must contain a strong and challenging academic presence based upon biblical principles. Furthermore, Mount Airy Christian Academy is accredited by both Middle States and the Association of Christian Schools International. Our goal is to produce students who can develop strong critical thinking skills with the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.
Each Mount Airy Christian Academy teacher is not only qualified in their field of academics but also capable in guiding all children in their spiritual development as Bible and Chapel play a key role in our overall educational perspective. The typical teacher at Mount Airy Christian Academy has a strong love for God, a desire to work closely in helping each child to develop and blossom, and is aware and being trained to utilize the effective use of technology within the learning process. A new program which we have instituted in the past year is “The Learning Edge.” This program is designed to aid individual student learning needs through a comprehensive approach.
Mount Airy Christian Academy is on the move which is evidenced by the School Board and Head of School working collectively in developing a detailed Strategic Plan for the next 1, 3, and 5 years. Plans for future facility expansion are part of the vision by the Mount Airy Bible Church Senior Pastor and Eldership.
Our mission is to serve in a partnership role with the family providing them with strong academic preparation enabling them to find and utilize their God-given potential to become the man and woman He wants them to become.
Come be a part of Mount Airy Christian Academy and see what sets us apart from all of the rest!